Craigslist is by far the most popular classified site in the world. Specifically for rentals, they drive significantly more renter leads to property managers and landlords than any other rental service. The challenge however is the leads for these apartments and houses for rent drop dramatically after 24 to 72 hours of posting. This is due to the way Craigslist sorts rental listings by most recently posted. Sarasota is a beautify coastal Florida city with a wide demographic range of residents. From 2015 to 2016 the population grew 2.59%, the largest % increase over the last decade. From 2016 to 2017, the population slowed a bit by only growing 1.07%.
Craigslist Sarasota Rental Data
Craigslist is by far the most popular classified site in the world.
Sarasota is a beautify coastal Florida city with a wide demographic range of residents
There are currently over 4,000 rental listings on Craigslist within Sarasota, Fl.
When we break down the total inventory of Craigslist rentals within Sarasota, we see that 49% of the total are 2 bedrooms, 28% are one bedrooms, 19% are 3 bedrooms and only 4% have 4 plus bedrooms.
Of these rentals, the 1 bed rentals had the highest percentage of them that accepts cats and dogs, a total of 77% of them. Interestingly, the 3 bedrooms has the least amount of rentals that accepts pets.
If you are interested in finding a rental in Sarasota that is already furnished, it is slim pickings. Only 5% of all available rentals are furnished. This is pretty consistent across all bedroom options with the exception of the 4+ bedrooms being about 4.39%.
Overall, Craigslist has the most rental listings compared to any other rental site. This includes sites like,,, Apartment Guide and others.