Hartford has a total population of 123,400 and 23.70% of the population own their home. 76.30% of the occupied housing units are renters within the Hartford metro area. The median gross rent from 2014 - 2016 was $914. Today, the rental rate has risen 28.67% from 2016. Residents tend to be more long term with 78.90% staying in their residence for more than 1 year. For those who own a home, the median value of the house is $159,100.

Rental Rates in Hartford

The average rental rate for all rental properties within Hartford is $1,176. The rental rates by bedrooms is as follows. A studio is $970, a one bedroom is $1,116, a two bedroom is $1,358, and for three bedrooms, the rental rate is $1,092. The average sq ft for a rental unit is 804 sq. ft. With 3 bedrooms being about on average 1,150 sq. ft.

By neighborhood, the average rental rates in Hartford are as follows:

North Meadows - $847

Clay Arsenal - $847

North East Hartford - $879

West End Hartford - $909

Asylum Hill - $909

Blue Hills - $910

South West Hartford - $1,143

South Green - $1,143

Sheldon Charter Oak - $1,143

Barry Square - $1,143

Parkville - $1,163

Frog Hollow - $1,163

Behind the Rocks - $1,163


The total population under the age of 18 is 31.70%. While those over 65 is 9.90%. Women make up 51.80%, while men make up the remaining 48.20%.

36.20% of the population is White, 44.00% is Latino and 37.80% African American.

Education and Economy

31.90% of the population in Hartford is considered to be at the poverty level. The education level is rather high with 72.10% with a high school degree or higher. The median annual household salary for Hartford is $32,095 with 46.15% of all businesses within the city being owned by men, while 41.12% are owned by women and 55.81% of businesses are minority owned.

Why use Rentbits?

Use Rentbits to find your next rental in Hartford, CT. You can find all sorts of property types for rent such as apartments, houses, condos, townhouses and duplexes.

You can filter Hartford, CT rentals by price, bedroom size, square footage, property type, restriction and mode. You will never again miss this perfect apartment or a house for rent in Hartford, CT.